Saturday, July 01, 2006


Traveling alone can be intimidating. More so ,when you're a woman backpacking around on a limited budget. But once you overcome the numerous reasons why you shouldn't travel alone and just go, you'll have no qualms about it. TRUST ME !!! Recently, I went on a 2 week -long solo trip around Malaysia and Singapore. No no no !!! dont picture a Hippie with dreadlocks - yaaah the backpack still holds good !! hhaha....

Besides meeting other travelers from Europe, Australia and Japan along the way, I also made friends with many locals - from the land lady at a hostel to several other backpackers. Many people would like to travel alone, but a single question daunts them permanently ----: Is it safe? It is important not to deny one's fears …. Man!! I was cautious too , on the guard all the time .. LOL…

Following some simple rules and respecting the local culture, you can defiantly make r trip a memorable one ….Watch this space!!! Will be updating the ten commandments of backpacking!!!


Subhadip said...

I respect this ability to travel alone. I can't! Not because of safety reasons, but I need to share a travel with others (read friends).

I did go to Singapore alone, but it was to meet my cousin and her family, so it was not really "alone alone".

Bhaw said...

well i like travellin with friends too .. but situations when people dont have time or they arent ready to make certain sacrifices for the sake of wanderlust... thatsss when i decide to take off on my own .Its def . more fun with friends even if its just one more person along ...